What is With Cantaloupe?

What is with cantaloupe anyway? I mean hear me out, I get to work and my friend shows up with a zip lock of it. My heart starts to race and a flood of memories fill my head. It takes me back to when I was younger. If you have been reading my Blog then you have heard me mention my Grandfather. Well being a farming and gardening expert he grew many things and one was cantaloupe. Now this melon was always something he loved to eat sometimes he would slice off a chunk and the words were, “This is better tasting than last year”. And I would think what is it with cantaloupe? He would then proceed to hand me a fork with a chunk on it to eat. I would then smell the fragrance and my stomach would get queasy. To this day I struggle with the smell. Good thing my husband doesn’t like it either. I have found that when there is a Fruit Bowl with Cantaloupe if it is mixed with other fruits the fragrance doesn’t seem to be as noticeable.

Cantaloupe and Life

Life definitely is full of things that make our hearts race and stomach queasy like in my case cantaloupes. Challenges are rough and how we face them show our character and drive. But we can choose to find the good in things. For example a Cantaloupe has many proven health benefits related to its antioxidant power, electrolytes, and water content and no fat. Now I am not going to decide to like Cantaloupe but I can understand its positives. Positives are out there in the people you meet and encounter. Personality conflicts happen and different points of view can be uncomfortable. But as seen with cantaloupe when not focusing on the smell, you see the value. A tip I use personally is to see the person. I have to be able to look past issues and see them as an individual that has thoughts and passions as I do. Challenging myself to find as many positives as possible, and I find my outlook changes.

Would you be able to work through it? Would you work around it? What if you are trying to build your business, you don’t always know who your newest star can be if you don’t choose to see the person and their passions. So what is with Cantaloupe, even though I don’t eat it or like the smell many others do like it. It wouldn’t be good to exclude someone because they liked Cantaloupe life is like that too. An open mind will bring more happiness and joy and you may find out that you can share other common interests. So build up and help others and enjoy your journey and don’t eat Cantaloupe if you don’t like it. Have a Beautiful Day, and if you found value please comment and/or share. Want to be part of my Tribe? Find out how below.

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